Apriori Sets And Sequences - Keith's MS Thesis
Apriori Sets And Sequences
Performance Data Collection
Data Sets
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Performance Data Collection

Intro ] [ Automatically Starting - Stopping ] BackPropagation.class ]
BackPropagation.java ] DummyWait.class ] DummyWait.java ]
IB1.class ] IB1.java ] IBk.class ]
IBk.java ] NaiveBayesSimple.class ] NaiveBayesSimple.java ]
Start-System-General ] System-General ] perf-data-Makefile ]
start general collection ]

data ]

Setting up and using automatic performance data collection in Windows 2000

Administrative Tools -> Performance

Performance Logs and Alerts - > Counter Logs

Action -> New Log Settings From

use System-General.htm

Use the following command to make sure the service is NOT running

     net stop "Performance Logs and Alerts"

start your java thingy

Use the follwoing command to make sure the service is running:

     net start "Performance Logs and Alerts"

when it is done use:

     net stop "Performance Logs and Alerts"

to stop the data collection (and everything else run by the service)

if you want to run another test you have to start the service again

     net start "Performance Logs and Alerts"

Now isn't that a hack?


If you manually stop the General-System counter log through the 
Performance GUI you'll have to set the log to restart automatically
before it will work as described above.

Right click on the log
Choose Properties
Choose the Schedule tab
Under Start log
Choose At
the default time and date are fine
Under Stop log
Choose After 1 day
Make sure 
     When an log file closes
     []Start a new log file
is checked
click Apply and OK

You should be all set to go again.

I suppose you could delete the counter log and load it from the settings
file again... I haven't tested that yet though so don't take my word
for it.


The Performance Monitor on Windows 2000 only records metrics for processes
that are already running when the service starts. This means that the
process (or a process with the same name [I think]) that you want to 
collect metrics on must be running prior to starting the service. This 
also means that if new processes are started during your test the collected
data will not reflect that information. Pretty crumby, huh?


by: Keith A. Pray
Last Modified: July 4, 2004 2:31 AM
© 2004 - 1975 Keith A. Pray.
All rights reserved.

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