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"Control" Experiments

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J48 unpruned tree

capital-gain <= 5013
|   age <= 28
|   |   education-num <= 12: <=50K (220.0)
|   |   education-num > 12
|   |   |   marital-status = Married-civ-spouse
|   |   |   |   fnlwgt <= 161155: >50K (2.0)
|   |   |   |   fnlwgt > 161155: <=50K (3.0)
|   |   |   marital-status = Divorced: <=50K (1.0)
|   |   |   marital-status = Never-married: <=50K (37.0/1.0)
|   |   |   marital-status = Separated: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   marital-status = Widowed: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   marital-status = Married-spouse-absent: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   marital-status = Married-AF-spouse: <=50K (0.0)
|   age > 28
|   |   marital-status = Married-civ-spouse
|   |   |   native-country = United-States
|   |   |   |   education-num <= 10
|   |   |   |   |   workclass = Private
|   |   |   |   |   |   race = White
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Tech-support: <=50K (5.0/1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Craft-repair
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Bachelors: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Some-college: <=50K (6.0/1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 11th: <=50K (1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = HS-grad
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   fnlwgt <= 201080
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   capital-loss <= 653
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   hours-per-week <= 46: <=50K (11.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   hours-per-week > 46: >50K (2.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   capital-loss > 653: >50K (2.0/1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   fnlwgt > 201080: >50K (7.0/1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Prof-school: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Assoc-acdm: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Assoc-voc: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 9th: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 7th-8th: <=50K (1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 12th: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Masters: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 1st-4th: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 10th: >50K (1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Doctorate: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 5th-6th: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Preschool: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Other-service
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Bachelors: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Some-college: <=50K (1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 11th: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = HS-grad: >50K (3.0/1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Prof-school: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Assoc-acdm: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Assoc-voc: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 9th: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 7th-8th: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 12th: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Masters: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 1st-4th: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 10th: <=50K (2.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Doctorate: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 5th-6th: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Preschool: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Sales
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Bachelors: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Some-college
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   age <= 53: >50K (3.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   age > 53: <=50K (2.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 11th: <=50K (1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = HS-grad
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   hours-per-week <= 46: >50K (4.0/1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   hours-per-week > 46: <=50K (3.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Prof-school: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Assoc-acdm: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Assoc-voc: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 9th: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 7th-8th: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 12th: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Masters: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 1st-4th: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 10th: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Doctorate: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 5th-6th: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Preschool: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Exec-managerial
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   age <= 53: <=50K (8.0/2.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   age > 53: >50K (3.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Prof-specialty: >50K (9.0/3.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Handlers-cleaners: <=50K (4.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Machine-op-inspct: <=50K (16.0/3.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Adm-clerical
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   age <= 43: <=50K (4.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   age > 43
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Bachelors: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Some-college: >50K (3.0/1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 11th: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = HS-grad: >50K (3.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Prof-school: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Assoc-acdm: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Assoc-voc: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 9th: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 7th-8th: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 12th: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Masters: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 1st-4th: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 10th: <=50K (1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Doctorate: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 5th-6th: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Preschool: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Farming-fishing: >50K (1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Transport-moving
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   hours-per-week <= 47
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Bachelors: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Some-college: <=50K (2.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 11th: <=50K (1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = HS-grad
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   age <= 43: >50K (2.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   age > 43: <=50K (5.0/1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Prof-school: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Assoc-acdm: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Assoc-voc: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 9th: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 7th-8th: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 12th: <=50K (1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Masters: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 1st-4th: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 10th: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Doctorate: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = 5th-6th: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   education = Preschool: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   hours-per-week > 47: >50K (2.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Priv-house-serv: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Protective-serv: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Armed-Forces: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   race = Asian-Pac-Islander: >50K (2.0/1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   race = Amer-Indian-Eskimo: <=50K (1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   race = Other: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   race = Black
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Tech-support: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Craft-repair: >50K (1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Other-service: <=50K (2.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Sales: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Exec-managerial: >50K (1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Prof-specialty: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Handlers-cleaners: <=50K (2.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Machine-op-inspct: <=50K (3.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Adm-clerical: <=50K (3.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Farming-fishing: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Transport-moving: <=50K (2.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Priv-house-serv: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Protective-serv: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Armed-Forces: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   workclass = Self-emp-not-inc: <=50K (36.0/5.0)
|   |   |   |   |   workclass = Self-emp-inc: >50K (13.0/2.0)
|   |   |   |   |   workclass = Federal-gov
|   |   |   |   |   |   age <= 36: <=50K (2.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   age > 36: >50K (3.0)
|   |   |   |   |   workclass = Local-gov
|   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Tech-support: >50K (2.0/1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Craft-repair: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Other-service: <=50K (3.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Sales: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Exec-managerial: >50K (2.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Prof-specialty: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Handlers-cleaners: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Machine-op-inspct: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Adm-clerical: <=50K (3.0/1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Farming-fishing: <=50K (2.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Transport-moving: <=50K (6.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Priv-house-serv: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Protective-serv: >50K (3.0/1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Armed-Forces: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   workclass = State-gov
|   |   |   |   |   |   relationship = Wife: >50K (2.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   relationship = Own-child: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   relationship = Husband: <=50K (2.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   relationship = Not-in-family: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   relationship = Other-relative: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   relationship = Unmarried: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   workclass = Without-pay: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   workclass = Never-worked: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   education-num > 10
|   |   |   |   |   capital-loss <= 653
|   |   |   |   |   |   education-num <= 14
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Tech-support
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   relationship = Wife: >50K (3.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   relationship = Own-child: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   relationship = Husband
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   age <= 41
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   age <= 40: >50K (3.0/1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   age > 40: <=50K (2.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   age > 41: >50K (3.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   relationship = Not-in-family: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   relationship = Other-relative: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   relationship = Unmarried: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Craft-repair
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   age <= 45: <=50K (3.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   age > 45: >50K (3.0/1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Other-service: >50K (1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Sales
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   fnlwgt <= 91039: <=50K (3.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   fnlwgt > 91039: >50K (7.0/1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Exec-managerial
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   workclass = Private
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   sex = Female: >50K (3.0/1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   sex = Male
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   hours-per-week <= 47: >50K (12.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   hours-per-week > 47
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   age <= 40: <=50K (3.0/1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   age > 40: >50K (3.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   workclass = Self-emp-not-inc: >50K (2.0/1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   workclass = Self-emp-inc: >50K (2.0/1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   workclass = Federal-gov: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   workclass = Local-gov: >50K (1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   workclass = State-gov: >50K (1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   workclass = Without-pay: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   workclass = Never-worked: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Prof-specialty
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   workclass = Private
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   fnlwgt <= 259510: <=50K (12.0/3.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   fnlwgt > 259510: >50K (3.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   workclass = Self-emp-not-inc: <=50K (4.0/1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   workclass = Self-emp-inc: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   workclass = Federal-gov: >50K (1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   workclass = Local-gov: >50K (4.0/2.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   workclass = State-gov
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   age <= 41: >50K (2.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   age > 41: <=50K (3.0/1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   workclass = Without-pay: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   workclass = Never-worked: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Handlers-cleaners: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Machine-op-inspct: >50K (3.0/1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Adm-clerical
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   age <= 37: >50K (3.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   age > 37: <=50K (3.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Farming-fishing: <=50K (1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Transport-moving: <=50K (3.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Priv-house-serv: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Protective-serv: >50K (2.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   occupation = Armed-Forces: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   education-num > 14: >50K (9.0)
|   |   |   |   |   capital-loss > 653: >50K (14.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Cambodia: >50K (1.0)
|   |   |   native-country = England: >50K (1.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Puerto-Rico: <=50K (1.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Canada: >50K (2.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Germany: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Outlying-US(Guam-USVI-etc): <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   native-country = India: >50K (2.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Japan: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Greece: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   native-country = South: <=50K (1.0)
|   |   |   native-country = China: >50K (1.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Cuba: <=50K (2.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Iran: >50K (2.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Honduras: >50K (1.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Philippines: >50K (1.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Italy: <=50K (1.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Poland: <=50K (1.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Jamaica: <=50K (1.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Vietnam: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Mexico: <=50K (11.0/1.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Portugal: >50K (2.0/1.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Ireland: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   native-country = France: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Dominican-Republic: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Laos: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Ecuador: <=50K (1.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Taiwan: >50K (1.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Haiti: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Columbia: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Hungary: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Guatemala: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Nicaragua: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Scotland: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Thailand: >50K (1.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Yugoslavia: <=50K (1.0)
|   |   |   native-country = El-Salvador: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Trinadad&Tobago: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Peru: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Hong: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   native-country = Holand-Netherlands: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   marital-status = Divorced
|   |   |   education-num <= 12
|   |   |   |   education = Bachelors: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   education = Some-college: <=50K (35.0/1.0)
|   |   |   |   education = 11th: <=50K (1.0)
|   |   |   |   education = HS-grad: <=50K (40.0)
|   |   |   |   education = Prof-school: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   education = Assoc-acdm: <=50K (8.0)
|   |   |   |   education = Assoc-voc: <=50K (7.0/1.0)
|   |   |   |   education = 9th: <=50K (1.0)
|   |   |   |   education = 7th-8th: <=50K (2.0)
|   |   |   |   education = 12th: >50K (1.0)
|   |   |   |   education = Masters: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   education = 1st-4th: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   education = 10th: <=50K (2.0)
|   |   |   |   education = Doctorate: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   education = 5th-6th: <=50K (2.0)
|   |   |   |   education = Preschool: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   education-num > 12
|   |   |   |   hours-per-week <= 43: <=50K (11.0/1.0)
|   |   |   |   hours-per-week > 43
|   |   |   |   |   occupation = Tech-support: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   occupation = Craft-repair: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   occupation = Other-service: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   occupation = Sales: <=50K (2.0)
|   |   |   |   |   occupation = Exec-managerial: >50K (6.0)
|   |   |   |   |   occupation = Prof-specialty
|   |   |   |   |   |   fnlwgt <= 142182: <=50K (2.0)
|   |   |   |   |   |   fnlwgt > 142182: >50K (2.0)
|   |   |   |   |   occupation = Handlers-cleaners: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   occupation = Machine-op-inspct: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   occupation = Adm-clerical: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   occupation = Farming-fishing: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   occupation = Transport-moving: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   occupation = Priv-house-serv: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   occupation = Protective-serv: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   occupation = Armed-Forces: >50K (0.0)
|   |   marital-status = Never-married
|   |   |   education = Bachelors
|   |   |   |   hours-per-week <= 52: <=50K (22.0/1.0)
|   |   |   |   hours-per-week > 52
|   |   |   |   |   occupation = Tech-support: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   occupation = Craft-repair: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   occupation = Other-service: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   occupation = Sales: >50K (2.0)
|   |   |   |   |   occupation = Exec-managerial: >50K (2.0)
|   |   |   |   |   occupation = Prof-specialty: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   occupation = Handlers-cleaners: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   occupation = Machine-op-inspct: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   occupation = Adm-clerical: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   occupation = Farming-fishing: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   occupation = Transport-moving: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   occupation = Priv-house-serv: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   |   |   occupation = Protective-serv: <=50K (1.0)
|   |   |   |   |   occupation = Armed-Forces: >50K (0.0)
|   |   |   education = Some-college: <=50K (24.0/1.0)
|   |   |   education = 11th: <=50K (7.0)
|   |   |   education = HS-grad: <=50K (45.0)
|   |   |   education = Prof-school: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   education = Assoc-acdm: <=50K (6.0)
|   |   |   education = Assoc-voc: <=50K (9.0/1.0)
|   |   |   education = 9th: <=50K (1.0)
|   |   |   education = 7th-8th: >50K (1.0)
|   |   |   education = 12th: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   education = Masters: <=50K (10.0/2.0)
|   |   |   education = 1st-4th: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   education = 10th: <=50K (1.0)
|   |   |   education = Doctorate: >50K (2.0/1.0)
|   |   |   education = 5th-6th: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   education = Preschool: <=50K (1.0)
|   |   marital-status = Separated
|   |   |   workclass = Private: <=50K (18.0)
|   |   |   workclass = Self-emp-not-inc: <=50K (5.0)
|   |   |   workclass = Self-emp-inc: >50K (1.0)
|   |   |   workclass = Federal-gov: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   workclass = Local-gov: <=50K (4.0)
|   |   |   workclass = State-gov: <=50K (1.0)
|   |   |   workclass = Without-pay: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   |   workclass = Never-worked: <=50K (0.0)
|   |   marital-status = Widowed
|   |   |   capital-loss <= 0: <=50K (25.0/2.0)
|   |   |   capital-loss > 0: >50K (3.0/1.0)
|   |   marital-status = Married-spouse-absent: <=50K (10.0)
|   |   marital-status = Married-AF-spouse: <=50K (0.0)
capital-gain > 5013: >50K (42.0/1.0)

Number of Leaves  : 	310

Size of the tree : 	365

=== Error on training data ===

Correctly Classified Instances         943               94.2058 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances        58                5.7942 %
Mean absolute error                      0.0869
Root mean squared error                  0.2085
Relative absolute error                 23.5597 %
Root relative squared error             48.5555 %
Total Number of Instances             1001     

=== Confusion Matrix ===

   a   b   <-- classified as
 212  32 |   a = >50K
  26 731 |   b = <=50K

=== Error on test data ===

Correctly Classified Instances       13135               80.6769 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances      3146               19.3231 %
Mean absolute error                      0.2062
Root mean squared error                  0.4052
Relative absolute error                 56.4718 %
Root relative squared error             95.3749 %
Total Number of Instances            16281     

=== Confusion Matrix ===

     a     b   <-- classified as
  2282  1564 |     a = >50K
  1582 10853 |     b = <=50K

by: Keith A. Pray
Last Modified: July 4, 2004 8:58 AM
© 2004 - 1975 Keith A. Pray.
All rights reserved.

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