Project 2 Report
The code implementing the main algorithms used can be found below.
The Makefiles used to automate testing can be found below.
The full source code for the Weka package can be found at their web site
To install the code used, please download the Weka package from
the Weka web site. Simply expand the jar file downloaded and set
the CLASSPATH and WEKAHOME environment variables as explained
in the README file included in the download.
To run the tests discussed in this report, please use the Makefiles
provided. The results from each test will be created as seen in
this report.
I can make an instance of the entire Weka package including
source code available in my WPI account. The Makefiles can be made
to include the environment variables needed to use the package for
the purpose of running the tests seen in this report. Due to the
size of the package, this will all be upon request.
An electronic copy of this report can be supplied, although navigation
is easiest on a system that supports Java Server Pages. The electronic
copy contains all result and trees resulting from this testing.