To Do
Create first draft of AIRG 2009-04-09 talk
Compare original BDI questions with those used in our survey.
NOTE: I thought we were interested in the Epworth questionnaire but my
notes say BDI and that is the paper we found.
Make new data set containing summary data
Create a model for each BDI class and use meta learning to combine
Look into techniques for skewed target attributes
Learn Mat Lab
Read Shiven Thesis
Visualization (?)
Treat MS Office *.*x files as binary on Kapow
Make data sets without epworth_score removed
2009-03-29 Complete NIH human subjects certification at
2009-02-25 Fixed epworth_score range in BDI Results Update 2009-02-20
2009-02-25 Add ZeroR to regression experimenter configuration
2009-02-21 Find original BDI paper -Thanks Sergio
2009-02-19 Update To Do List
Prepare 2009-02-20 BDI Result Update presentation
Run Linear regression to predict BDI
Use 2 BDI Bins, 0-9, 10+
Look at macro data set and Shivin's thesis
Find a good discretization for BDI, try Entropy based filter from Weka
- Found medical discretization consistent with filter results