Thesis Report Latex

Intro ] Fast Algorithms for Mining Association Rules.tex ] Mining Association Rules between Sets of Items in Large Databases.tex ]
Mining Association Rules from Set Valued Data.tex ] abstract.tex ] algorithmic.sty ]
appendix-log-metrics.tex ] appendix-performance-data.tex ] appendix-performance-metrics.tex ]
appendix-readme.tex ] appendix-sleep-data.tex ] appendix-stock-data.tex ]
asas-1-candidate.tex ] asas-1-support.tex ] asas-2-candidate.tex ]
asas-2-support.tex ] asas-3-candidate.tex ] asas-algorithm.tex ]
asas-confidence.tex ] asas-details.tex ] asas-duplicate-item-sets.tex ]
asas-general.tex ] asas-implementation-filters.tex ] asas-implementation-other-features.tex ]
asas-implementation-rule-generation.tex ] asas-implementation-support-counting-prune.tex ] asas-implementation.tex ]
asas-input.tex ] asas-multiple-events.tex ] asas.bib ]
asas.tex ] background-apriori-sets.tex ] background-apriori.tex ]
background-association-rules.tex ] background-pattern-matching.tex ] background-weka-arff.tex ]
background.tex ] conclusions-future-work.tex ] contribution.tex ]
data-representation.tex ] event-attributes.tex ] experimental-evaluation.tex ]
future-work.tex ] intro-context.tex ] intro-definition.tex ]
intro-motivation.tex ] intro.tex ] itemset-data-structures.tex ]
kap.bib ] perf-experiments-data-collection.tex ] perf-experiments.tex ]
performance-evaluation.tex ] related-work.tex ] sleep-experiments-old.tex ]
sleep-experiments.tex ] stock-experiments.tex ] thesis-2-2column.tex ]
thesis.aux ] thesis.bbl ] [ thesis.blg ]
thesis.dvi ] thesis.lof ] thesis.log ]
thesis.lot ] thesis.pdf ] ]
thesis.tex ] thesis.toc ]

ASAS Thesis ] Solution ] WPI-CSGSO-thesis-template ]
algorithm-example ] figures ] financial-events ]
old ] other-bib-files ] Up: Documents ]

This is BibTeX, Version 0.99c (Web2C 7.3.1) The top-level auxiliary file: thesis.aux The style file: alpha.bst Database file #1: asas.bib You've used 58 entries, 2543 wiz_defined-function locations, 925 strings with 15698 characters, and the built_in function-call counts, 25617 in all, are: = -- 2576 > -- 1270 < -- 47 + -- 428 - -- 424 * -- 1758 := -- 4110 add.period$ -- 201 call.type$ -- 58$ -- 367$ -- 58 cite$ -- 58 duplicate$ -- 1072 empty$ -- 1862$ -- 493 if$ -- 5451$ -- 1$ -- 0 missing$ -- 48 newline$ -- 299 num.names$ -- 196 pop$ -- 420 preamble$ -- 1 purify$ -- 429 quote$ -- 0 skip$ -- 918 stack$ -- 0 substring$ -- 1200 swap$ -- 270 text.length$ -- 47 text.prefix$ -- 14 top$ -- 0 type$ -- 448 warning$ -- 0 while$ -- 238 width$ -- 62 write$ -- 793

by: Keith A. Pray
Last Modified: July 4, 2004 7:39 AM
© 2004 - 1975 Keith A. Pray.
All rights reserved.