[ Intro ]
[ Final-Project ]
- General
- Domain:
- System Name:
- Dates:
- Researchers:
- Location:
- Related Systems:
- Knowledge
- Representation:
- Is the representation numerical, text-based, mixed?
- Are numerical formulas used?
- Are more abstract formulas used?
indicating sign and/or level of magnitude
- How redundant is the knowledge?
How many different representations can the same piece of
data or knowledge have in the system?
- Does the knowledge representation incorporate a high level
of cross-indexing / referencing?
- Input:
- How is the design problem represented?
- Are there functional, behavioural or constraint-based
aspects to the input?
- Is there any domain specific knowledge expected as
- Output:
- Is the output in the form of a design?
- Is it a partial design?
- Is it a redesign or re-design?
- Is more than one solution given?
- What is the output if the system fails to generate a
- Can incorrect solutions be given?
- If so, what other information is provided?
- Information Contained in System:
- What domain specific knowledge does the system have?
- What non-domain specific knowledge does the system have?
- What domain specific control knowledge does the system
- What non-domain specific control knowledge does the system
- Are previous solutions utilized as a source of
- What knowledge about design is represented explicitly?
- Interactive:
- Can the user add information during design problem
- Does the user supply any control knowledge?
partial, full, system requested, user option, etc.
- Method
- Theory:
- Does the system illustrate the effectiveness of a theory
of design?
- Is the theory based on human problem solving?
- Weak or Strong method:
- Advantages of method:
- Weaknesses of method:
- Hierarchy:
- Is knowledge structured in a hierarchy?
- Is control structured in a hierarchy?
- Search space:
- Does the system explicitly search a space of possible
- How is the search space represented?
- What control mechanisms are used to guide the search?
- Can each point in the search space be viewed as a state?
- What operators are provided to move from state to state?
Points in a search space and possible states may seem
similar. I mean to differentiate between explicit transition
between states, like transversal of a directed graph, and
other methods by which points are chosen in a space to be
- Conflict resolution:
- Is backtracking used to recover from possibly erroneous
- Is the information used for control domain specific?
- What measures are taken to avoid backtracking?
- How is conflict between agents handled?
- How is inner-agent conflict handled?
- Learning:
- Does the system improve in performance as it is used?
- Does the system have any knowledge acquisition
- If so, what is the source of knowledge?
user, database, file, previous solutions, simulation, model,
- Does the system repeat the same mistakes?
- When is learning done?
before, during, after problem solving
- Is feedback used to train the system?
solution evaluation by the system, the user or some other
external system
- Is the method mainly deterministic?
Are there any random aspects of the system? Will it produce
the same results for the same input on multiple runs?
- Architecture
- Overall structure:
- Is there a list of sub-tasks?
- Is there a distinct number of steps taken?
- Components comprising system:
- Method for each part:
- Simulation or Modeling components:
- Other systems used as a component:
- Implementation
- Language:
- Machine:
- Complete or Partial:
- Performance:
- Accuracy and precision of results
- How was this measured?
- Memory consumption during execution
- Processing power required to make system viable
- Run times of example design problem solving
- Comparison with like systems
- Data Stores Used:
- User Interface:
- Are there menus, buttons, graphics, plain text?
- What information is displayed about the system during run
- What knowledge about the problem and solution progress is
- Is this information displayed for status purposes only or
is the user required to take some action for the system to
- Real World Use:
- Was the system used outside the research team?
- Was the system used by domain experts?
- Was the system used by domain novices?
- Is the system suitable for use in a commercial design