Critique: LEAP: A Learning Apprentice for VLSI Design
Mitchell, Mahadevan, Steinberg
I found the Discussion section far more interesting than the details
of how LEAP captures training examples and forms general rules from
them. It was interesting to see the correspondence between features
of LEAP and some machine learning systems common today. Take speech
recognition for example. Many such systems require a training phase
when first used. Then, as the system is used more and more it learns
to better recognize a particular speech pattern through continuously
identifying training examples. This is done in much the same way
LEAP identifies them. While the actual methods by which training
examples are used to learn is very different, the degree of similarity
between such systems is amazing considering the fairly domain specific
nature of LEAP and voice recognition systems.
Since my machine learning background is stronger in empirical learning
methods, it was good to see some of Mitchell's work on analytical methods.
It brings to mind the trade offs between weak/general and strong/specific
problem solving methods. Empirical machine learning seem to correspond to
the weak method, where much less domain knowledge is required to
perform the learning task, but requires a great deal more training
examples to learn effectively. Analytical and inductive learning methods
require a near perfect and complete domain theory but require far
fewer examples. I wonder where a system like FOIL (Quinlan) would fall.
While it does seem to be a weak method, it can formulate rules with
surprisingly few training examples, compared to other empirical methods.
While not a global solution to the merging of rule sets in LEAP,
couldn't each instance of LEAP utilize a central store of
knowledge inside the same organization? This could help solve the
problem Mitchell addresses in a much simpler way than his proposed
solution. As rules were added by each LEAP instance, the rules would
become available to all the other instances running rather than each
keeping it's own private rule set. Another approach would be to queue
the training examples identified by each separate LEAP instance for
learning by a central LEAP system. Each time LEAP is started by a
designer, it could start it from this central LEAP. Hrm... same idea,
different approach and run-time conditions. Copying the knowledge
base each time could be very slow. I'll stick with the central
store of knowledge idea, yeah, that's the ticket.
Tom M. Mitchell, Sridhar Mahadevan & Louis I. Steinberg,
LEAP: A Learning Apprentice for VLSI Design.
Proc. Int. Jnt. Conf. on AI, IJCAI-85, 1985, pp. 573-580.